CROCHET: This dress has is an almost empire line high waist outline with a shell stitch skirt worked downwards from it ( the usual method of fab A “Barbara Warner”1960s designer crochet patterns). It a simple, easy to make mini dress, in mother and daughter sizes (ie lots!); but it has subtle detailing with the bodice done in a “bobble cluster stitch”. The little girl-or daughter – version has a lace sleeve trim (mum’s has a plain cuff to give a very slightly puffed sleeve).
The pretty and easy shell pattern skirt is worked downward-so very easy to custom fit the length and fullness. You could even make a shorter bodice for the girl version to give more of an empire line-and if extra yarn is saved it can be lengthened for next year!.
The bodice would also make a lovely summer top, if made a little longer; or make the dress shorter and open at the front for a pretty cardigan jacket.