CROCHET & KNITTING: A dress combing Knitting and crochet for the best of both worlds and in a great size range...seeing as it is for both “mother and daughter”! You may (or may not) wish to embrace this concept – but either on its own is nice anyway.
This is slightly unusual combination of a very covered up top... and a very openwork lace skirt! I’m thinking Mum at least would probably need a slip (or a good tan, pretty undies and plenty of confidence).
The skirt is worked down from the bodice waistband so there is easy scope for altering its length or even its fullness. You can change or leave out the stripe pattern of the bodice for a simpler look.
It would look very sweet in white or pastels; ideal for a summer wedding, especially the little girl’s dress for a bridesmaid; maybe with a bright coloured skirt lining.
Have fun, and show off two of your handiwork skills at once!
PS hairdo tip for stylists– apparently, putting your model’s hair in a ponytail then flicking it over your head as a deep fringe, works for variety in photo shoots. [I have other listings of the same time showing the model with rather longer hair (pre hair extensions!).]